Commodore Banner Exchange

New Item available. ProtoCart for Sale! 5/22/2011


  ProtoCart (v1.0) is an experimenting board for people who want to develop hardware on their own for their Commodore computers. This board was created as there was a need for something like 8 bit baby(no longer in production). These boards have the following features below. Note: The board will need to have 2 rows stripped at bottom by C64 expansion (Click here to view) if you would like me to do it please post it in the comments during purchase. Otherwise the unit will still work in Cart expander The way it is originally. Click here to find out more.



EasyFlash Cartridges for SALE!


C64world now sells EasyFlash cartridges. We have sourced all the parts needed for this great device create by Skoe. Please check the store for more info.


Welcome to

Welcome to the grand opening of webpage here you will find some info C64/128/Vic20. Some photos of my collection when I get a chance too. I also am running a C= BBS called Wizard'S Realm BBS you can get more info by clicking the BBS link at the menu at the top of this page.


Made with Namu6